Monday, April 18, 2011

Science Fiction & Fantasy eBook Reviews

So I've been thinking it's about time to post some reviews on ye 'ol blog.  There's a ton of great science fiction and fantasy indy eBooks out there, of course, and more arriving every day.  I've somehow found some time to do a bit of reading (note: also need an upcoming post about time management and workflow,) so I'll review some eBooks that I've found lately that I really like.  I think my philosophy toward reviews will be this:

  1. Only review books I like.  That's not to say I won't try to be as objective as possible, but the whole point of this will be to put the spotlight on work I think deserves attention.  Hmm, not that the 'ol Mythik blog will generate much attention right now, but maybe someday it will ;) Otherwise, as they say, if you don't have something good to say, don't say anything at all.
  2. Well, there's no #2, so I guess that's it.
So, stay on the edge of your seat, and stay tuned!


  1. I'm actually looking for someone to review my sci-fi ebook that just released. My blog is here:
    If you're interested in reviewing it, drop me a comment, because I'd be glad to have it.

  2. Jon, if you like pulp fantasy you might enjoy the novelette 'The Master of Dimensional Intrigue.'

  3. And here's my comic fantasy ebook. A novel of necromancy and regime change. :)


  4. Hi! Just discovered your site and am loving it so far. If you're interested. I have a dark, adult fairytale titled The Huntsman's Tale. You can pick up a copy of it free at Smashwords with the coupon code FY28M It's free until July 10th. Otherwise, drop me a line, over at and I can send you a copy. Thanks!!

  5. Hi! I have a science fiction thriller that I think you might like, maybe. It's about a project called The Dream Metropolis, where people's dreams and imaginations are culled in an attempt to create an entire new reality different from our own.

    The suspense comes from the fact that not everyone wants to live in their dreams.



  6. Hey Everybody! Thanks for visiting :) I know what it's like to try to get reviews. Unfortunately my schedule isn't conducive to doing reviews for a while. But feel free to keep listing your books here for my millions - umm, thousands, or well, dozens of readers to see ;)

  7. Hi Folks - I have 12 ebooks on the net, and one of them is FREE - called 'transplant'
    You can get it (if you want to see what it's like)
    from Just put david moreton in their search bar(top right)of their home page, when all my books will be listed.
    I would be pleased to receive anyone's comments - comments help be write better sci fi
    Regards, David

  8. I'm a published print author, but 'The Ancients' is my first e-book. It's a fantasy novel set after a terrible civil war, and it's cheaper than a coffee at Starbucks! (Well, some coffees, anyway. Definitely those frozen ones with raspberry sauce on)

    Erm...anyway, feel free to have apeek and read the first chapter, see what you think! - http://tinyurl.nickmarshancientsUS - http://tinyurl.nickmarshancients

    Also please have a peek at my blog, the trials of a being a vet in general practice in the 21st century

  9. Thanks for the info, Anon & Nick!

  10. Hey Jon, Derek here: 17-year-old author of "The Seven," a contemporary fantasy geared toward an audience that is 16+. You can catch me at for a DRM free mobi or pdf. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Caleb Holden is a facetious, caustic seventeen-year-old boy who doesn’t have enough sense to stay down for the count. His story is not of a poster boy for success, but rather of a troubled teen who was forced to grow up fast, less he fall into oblivion and obscurity. When the amulet he wears around his neck begins to talk, as well as give him lip, his life is thrown for a loop. This sets in motion a series of events that will eventually lead him to his destiny, or a gruesome death. Given the power to alter the darkness that plagues the world, he jumps at the opportunity with little hesitation. As with all his pursuits, Caleb doesn’t give up or in until he sees a challenge through to its conclusion.

    Amazon link:

  11. Hi, i have released a novella called Beast Master Rising which is an ebook for kindle on Amazon. I am happy to send you a free copy to review, please just drop me an email -

    For anyone interested in checking it out, you can get a FREE sample and details on how to purchase (for only £1/$1.58) on the official facebook page -

    Thanks for your support

  12. Check out Landwhig's Pride. An ebook fantasy with a black lead character.
    Very unique, found it on Amazon.

  13. Hello Jon:
    I just discovered your blog. I posted below access to 3 formats of my novel Innerearth for review or just for the read. Anyone else visiting this site may help themselves as well.

  14. If you like near-future, social sci fi, you might want to give my novella Target Audience a look.

    Check out my website for links and exclusive excerpts.
